Need Studio or Apartment ASAP!
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입주 날짜즉시
I am relocating to Dallas this weekend from Orange County, CA and am looking to sign a lease by latest November 20th! My work is relocating me out to build our new office in Victory Park, so am looking for a place as soon as possible that is close to the area! I'm hoping to find either a Studio, Apartment, or Condo with rent beteween $900-$1200/month. I'm 25 years old, female, responsible, and have never been late with rent. Can provide proof of income and pay to secure the place. I will be flying out on the 7th so can start viewing places as soon as November 8th! I'm not too familiar with the area but a few of my coworkers are looking for places either near the Uptown area or near Victory Park where our office is located.
Ideally I will be as close to Victory Park as possible (though I know it's pretty expensive over there). I would be happy to take over someone's lease if they are moving out for some reason, or just sign a new lease on a new place! Deposit/fees/etc. are being covered by my work so that won't be an issue, and I don't have any pets.
Health Club
Parking Lot
Swimming Pool
Wireless Internet