Baltimore, MD, USA
70 出租房間
在 Baltimore, MD, USA 有多少間出租房間?
在 Baltimore, MD, USA 有 70 間可用的出租房間。
如何在 Baltimore, MD, USA 找到出租房間?
在 Roomster 上,搜索 Baltimore, MD, USA 的出租房間很簡單。輸入 'Baltimore, MD, USA' 並選擇 '房間'。使用高級篩選器找到您可以與室友共享的完美空房。
在 Baltimore, MD, USA 租一間房間要多少錢?
在 Baltimore, MD, USA 租一間房間的平均租金是 859 USD
Cylburn 出租房間
地區在 Baltimore:
- Armistead Gardens
- Baltimore Museum Of Art
- Bayview
- Belair Edison
- Bolton Hill
- Brewers Hill
- Brightwood College In Baltimore
- Brooklyn
- Butchers Hill
- Canton
- Cedonia
- Charles Village
- Curtis Bay
- Downtown
- Edmondson
- Federal Hill Montgomery
- Fells Point
- Greenmount West
- Gwynn Oak
- Hampden
- Harbor East
- Harlem Park
- Herring Run Park
- Highlandtown
- Hollins Market
- Inner Harbor
- Johns Hopkins Homewood
- Johns Hopkins University School Of Nursing
- Levindale
- Lexington Terrace
- Locust Point
- Mcculloh Homes
- Middle East
- Mondawmin
- Morgan State University
- Morrell Park
- Mount Vernon
- Notre Dame Of Maryland University
- O'donnell Heights
- Peabody Institute Of The Johns Hopkins University
- Penn North
- Perkins Homes
- Pigtown
- Pimlico
- Reisterstown Station
- Reservoir Hill
- Ridgely's Delight
- Roland Park
- Sandtown Winchester
- Sharp Leadenhall
- South Baltimore
- Upper Fells Point
- Walbrook
- West Baltimore
- Woodberry
- Wyman Park
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