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ืคืจืืคืื kyara

kyara, 24
ืืฆื ืืืืขืืช
ืฉืคืืช ืฉืื ื ืืืืจ:
Portuguรชs, English, Espaรฑol
Looking for a Place to Call Home in Austin! ๐
Hi everyone! Iโm looking to sublease a studio or one-bedroom apartment, or even rent a room with a private bathroom in the Austin area. Hereโs what Iโm hoping to find:
โจ Location: South Austin or the Mueller area.
โจ Budget: $ (depending on if itโs a room, studio, or one-bedroom).
โจ Lease Terms: Flexible! Iโm open to month-to-month arrangements or subleasing with months left on the lease.
โจ Move-In Date: February th (ASAP!)
โจ Features: Ideally spacious and cozy! Furnished or unfurnished, Iโm flexible!
ืืืืืขื ื ืฉืืื!ืืกืื ืืช ืืืฉืชืืฉ