New Listing
Listing Type
Available DateHemen
This is a two bedroom, one bath so we would be sharing the bathroom, but my previous roommate and I never had any issues, and I’m sure with a little bit of collaboration we could make it work just fine as well. I have a washer and dryer and rent includes Wi-Fi and Netflix. I have intentions of getting cable, so if that’s something your heart desires, then by all means, you do you, but you’re on your own.
I’m a pretty clean person. I vacuum multiple times a week because I don’t like to have dog hair floating around, I do the dishes every day (I have a dish washer but honestly it’s more of a hassle to let it get full, run it, and then put the dishes away than it is to just wash the things in the sink and call it a day), and I like to keep the bathroom and kitchen very clean. I would expect my roommate to share cleaning responsibilities throughout the common areas of the house, such as the bathroom, and to take turns with other things such as taking out the trash or cleaning/putting dishes away. I’m not sure that this even needs to be stated seeing how we’re all adults but I just want to get it out there.
So rent is $440 which includes water, electric, Wi-Fi, Netflix, and the required rental insurance/fire protection. I would also like to collect a $200 security deposit that is completely refundable, assuming you don’t punch a hole in my wall, spill red KoolAid on my carpet, or do something else ridiculous that costs me in the end. I can work on this with you if you can’t pay it up front fully, but again, that would be on a case by case basis.
Household Age:
24 - 24
People In Household:
Household Sex:
My Cleanliness:
Overnight Guests:
Party Habits:
I Get Up/Go To Bed:
6AM - 8AM / 10PM - 12AM
Food Preference:
Almost Anything
Work Schedule:
Professional (9-5)
Education/ Training
Pets Owner:
Roommate preference
20 - 28