About me
Hello, everyone:) I’m looking for someone to take over a lease for me in Denton Texas from August through July . The lease term has not started yet but I’m urgently seeking to transfer my lease ASAP. The rent is $ per month and WI-FI as well as trash are included. Water, sewage, and electricity are based on usage divided among residents. This is a bathroom cottage but I’m just looking for 1 person to fill 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom, potentially you would have 4 other roommates. This is the perfect space for a UNT Student, it’s only 4 minutes away from campus! The space you’ll get here is TBD, but you may make a request for which room you want to fill since this lease term hasn’t started yet. If interested, you can reach me through my at Chelle.mgmnc. Thank you so much!! Be sure to let me know you’re from in the message:)