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Kaijah님의 프로필
Kaijah, 25
숙소 리스팅 보기
내가 사용하는 언어:
자기 소개:
Hello! My name is Kaijah (f) and I am looking to rent a room until at least July of next year.
I have an year old yorkie mix named Zsa zsa. She is potty trained and very well behaved, more akin to an affectionate cat than a dog. She has lived with cats before and has no issues with them, but she is a little nervous around large energetic dogs.
I work in Customer Service and have intentions to go back to school next year for Medical billing and Coding. I consider myself a friendly individual, but I’m known to be on the quieter side and tend to keep my circle small.
I enjoy gaming on my nights in, and dancing on my nights out.
Feel free to message me if you think we will be a good fit!
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