Clean room with bathroom $625/Mth
Listing Type
Available DateInmediatamente
Location: South Ft Worth. 4.5 miles from Hulen Mall and 5.8 miles from 20. Risinger and Brewer cross streets. Access to Chisim Trail
Room: 625per month. 300.00 non-refundable security deposit. This covers the room, bathroom which would be mainly your unless there are guests.
Terms: 3, 6 months to start available after that options for longer will become available
Home technology: Energy efficient, smart home, security system with water leak detection, glass break and motion sensors as well as monitored fire and carbon monoxide sensors. ATT GigaPower internet with ATT U-Verse included
Utilities: Included, washer and dryer on
Garage available I just have to move stuff around 😁
Expectations: Be clean, polite, I don't have a revolving door of people coming in and out, the expectation is the same
Let me know if you are interested or have further questions!
Thank you,