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1 room to rent in a 4b/2.5ba



Listing Type

Room for rent

Available Dateفوراً


We are seeking a flatmate for a 4b/2.5ba apartment in beautiful DUMBO, close to the F train and quite a few Brooklyn buses. We are very close to the Brooklyn Bridge park.
There are currently 5 of us and 1 dog (65 lb Labrador mix). 2 of us (parents of the dog) live with the dog in the larger room. In January, one of the mid size rooms will

become available. Inhabitants of the 3 other rooms will share the 1.5ba. We are close knit, music loving, dog loving people and are looking for someone similar to share our

home. Almost everyone plays a musical instrument, so feel free to bring your talents, or lack thereof! Much as we love all animals, we would like our current puppy be the

only 4 legged creature in the house. You will not have any responsibility toward the dog except to occasionally throw a ball or pet him.
The home comes with laundry, and a rooftop, evenings of watching shows on a projected screen if you would like to join, and ofcourse the unconditional love of a dog! You are

also welcome to do your own thing in your room and not feel compelled to join in any household activities when you don't feel like :) A couple of us are a lot like that!
Current lease is until July 31st, 2016.
Please for any questions or to set up a meet and greet with us.


Shalini,  40






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